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大家好~ 我是elaine藥師,這邊是跟大家分享我生活中的底點滴滴,以及在我工作上面常遇到大家會好奇的問題在這邊跟大家解答。有任何問題都可以來跟我說,我很樂意給大家協助。

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Monthly Visitors are 27334542.14593481 and Similarity percentage is 37.46.

Ranked 114st globally in Travel and Tourism Tourist Attractions

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旅行在我人生中是不可或缺的,世界無國界,我發現不同文化的美,然而,旅行的過程中,我用生命去體會,用相機去記錄,用部落格去記錄並分享給其他在旅途中的朋友。旅行讓我生活變精彩,擴展我的眼界,豐富我的人生,而我還在旅行中! | 愛伯特吃喝玩樂全記錄

Monthly Visitors are 336510.78943213925 and Similarity percentage is 27.62.

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Monthly Visitors are 230988.9789309914 and Similarity percentage is 26.52.

Ranked 4116st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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用攝影、用文字,紀錄屬於台東的旅遊。 提供台東地區旅遊、景點、美食、餐廳、民宿等資訊,還有在地的一點小玩心。來吧!快來找我們玩吧。|台東製造

Monthly Visitors are 62071.76941315167 and Similarity percentage is 25.17.

Ranked 11585st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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2003年開始用部落格記錄生活專注在:深度旅遊┃飯店民宿┃餐廳美食┃體驗分享●聯絡信箱: smilejean@gmail.com●line:@85benchen●詳細經歷,請看關於我紫色微笑同步平台:紫色微笑的(fb粉絲團)紫色微笑在(窩客島)紫色微笑在(東森旅遊雲)紫色微笑在(愛食記)紫色微笑在(japanwalke | 紫色微笑 ben&jean 饗樂生活

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Monthly Visitors are 168112.24527512214 and Similarity percentage is 21.53.

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總覺得記錄在紙上的文字,或許會不小心消失;總覺得沒有圖像搭配,不能完全記載當下的喜悅;愛吃的我用拙劣的文字和不成熟的攝影,紀錄生活。 聯絡信箱:ly302423@hotmail.com

Monthly Visitors are 206964.80868496306 and Similarity percentage is 21.05.

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Monthly Visitors are 33296.46498763311 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

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Monthly Visitors are 137224.87004232628 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

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跳躍的宅男社群平台: ig、youtube、窩客島、愛食記、line社群如有活動合作、邀約,請發email或是粉絲頁私訊跟我聯絡email: a0913575012@gmail.com | 跳躍的宅男

Monthly Visitors are 228007.41007715606 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 3758st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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邀稿、活動邀約 tiffany0118@gmail.com | 小佳的幻想世界

Monthly Visitors are 245255.71908332486 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 3745st globally in Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 37182.96050907631 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

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Monthly Visitors are 79184.79235002746 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 6823st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 226131.10610373196 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 3156st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 1011571.5781627235 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 1161st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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一個愛吃愛玩愛分享的二寶媽咪,足跡遍及台灣、中國、亞洲、歐洲…因為相信讀萬卷書不如行萬里路,所以想一直走一直玩一直認識這個世界,喜歡自己~出發前認真研究,出發後盡情享受,回來後分享許多。因為朋友總愛問我去玩的故事,又想跟著我的足跡,於是在大家的呼喚下,開始在部落格記錄我的吃喝玩樂。這樣,方便隨時有朋友問我去哪好玩,怎麼 | 花洛米一起去玩耍

Monthly Visitors are 130495.98784849141 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

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Monthly Visitors are 510323.12867331086 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

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Monthly Visitors are 91437.3647292497 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 8103st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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在台灣最大的電信公司擔任小職員,寫部落格是維持了10幾年的興趣!2006.12.30 結婚,結婚前為了記錄結婚點滴開始在yahoo寫部落格,結婚後,跟老公兩個人喜歡在廚房研究料理,於是開始記錄我們的料理時光,也記錄我們的吃喝玩樂。目前育有兩個女兒,老大足ㄒㄩㄢ,老二樂ㄒㄩㄢ,相差六歲,希望他們能夠知足常樂一輩子,他們的 | tiss玩味食尚

Monthly Visitors are 147686.9661205699 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 5622st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism