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用快門記錄著生活 - 小邦妮一家 - 分享國內外美食旅遊、親子生活

小邦妮一家 - 分享國內外美食旅遊、親子生活

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Ranked 27390st globally in Travel and Tourism Accommodation and Hotels

Websites similar to ikachalife.com - Top 20 ikachalife.com Alternatives and Competitors

permio1.com Screenshot

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hi,我是左豪~從2008年開始第一篇食記誕生,至今撰寫部落格有10年經驗,從以前的奇摩、無名、痞客邦到2017年自架專業網站開始,內容以美食、旅遊、住宿、親子、3c、生活等部分,喜歡扛著相機上山、下海,周遊各地的我,最喜歡把各地的美景、美食透過相機紀錄下來,最後透過我的圖文解說敘述成一篇文章讓觀看者如同身歷其境。 | 跟著左豪吃不胖

Monthly Visitors are 158756.745387 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 3451st globally in Travel and Tourism

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邀約合作: kenalice0110@gmail.com

Monthly Visitors are 166636.159225 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 2416st globally in Travel and Tourism

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邀稿、活動邀約 tiffany0118@gmail.com | 小佳的幻想世界

Monthly Visitors are 299803.211918 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 1843st globally in Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 253481.269194 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 3964st globally in Travel and Tourism

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a walk around tainan is like steeping back in time. you can visit the various big temples and see traditional belief passed on to this day; take a trip to the ancient canal and witness the ebb and flow of civilization.

Monthly Visitors are 70976.959445 and Similarity percentage is 22.26.

Ranked 6304st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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黛西 daisy,天蠍座,o型,不折不扣的旅行狂。 22歲第一次出國就愛上了自助旅行。旅行是我的興趣,我的生活,我的人生。 但我不是全職旅遊部落客,而是一位每天坐在電腦前工作8小時以上的 it 工程師。

Monthly Visitors are 192726.033263 and Similarity percentage is 22.14.

Ranked 3043st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

1817box.tw Screenshot

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空拍。攝影。 旅遊。美食。玩在地。慢生活。讓我們大手牽小手。一起到319鄉鎮遨遊。 (2018年8月17日從yam搬到痞客邦, 人氣從0開始重新累積)。歡迎合作邀約/ 照片授權請洽: ling1817@yahoo.com.tw。粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/1817boxblog/ 。fb一日 | 1817box部落格

Monthly Visitors are 43196.2955222 and Similarity percentage is 21.42.

Ranked 21019st globally in Travel and Tourism Tourist Attractions

abic.com.tw Screenshot

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abic 愛貝客是一個專為爸爸媽媽設計的親子旅遊、親子餐廳等的資訊網站。快加入abic來查詢大家推薦分享的親子景點。讓我們一起討論分享好的景點,陪著我們最愛的寶貝一起快樂地長大。

Monthly Visitors are 58915.3685527 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 8195st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

mikatogo.com Screenshot

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♦ mika 拍照使用器材:sony a7ii、panasonic  gf10♦ 此站分享內容以美食、旅遊為主,合作請洽: mika0310@gmail.com♦ 此站內容為本人心得不負責任分享區,僅供參考。♦ 歡迎加入 mika 官方粉絲團 | mika出走美食日誌

Monthly Visitors are 138793.605507 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 4909st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

foodieteller.com Screenshot

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波妮說食話,訴說著料理背後的美味故事。 從台灣美食之都-台南的小吃開始,說到世界美食之國-法國的料理。

Monthly Visitors are 92404.0294184 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 7283st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

maruko.tw Screenshot

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maruko(丸子),喜愛美食與愛料理的左撇子人妻。記錄生活中喜愛的美食餐廳與日本旅遊點滴,更喜愛烹飪、分享料理食譜,於111年5月7日發表了10分鐘上菜,一回家就開飯!書籍作品更多請看:關於我 | maruko與美食有個約會

Monthly Visitors are 224720.551924 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 3028st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

jumpman.tw Screenshot

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跳躍的宅男社群平台: ig、youtube、窩客島、愛食記、line社群如有活動合作、邀約,請發email或是粉絲頁私訊跟我聯絡email: a0913575012@gmail.com | 跳躍的宅男

Monthly Visitors are 135532.629774 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 3882st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

upssmile.com Screenshot

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我是upssmile萍子(up’s smile向上微笑)!本身是設計師,也是向上微笑 旅食設影 攝影師。熱愛「旅」旅遊、「食」美食、「設」設計、「影」攝影、電影。邀約洽詢請寄信到ameliechang05@gmail.com。聯絡方式:0928-639-300。閱讀全文 | upssmile向上的微笑萍子 旅食設影

Monthly Visitors are 48880.1553322 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 9989st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

gltjp.com Screenshot

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好運日本行~是為了計劃前往日本旅行的好朋友們,提供旅遊相關資訊的網站。 以東京為主,還網羅了從京都大阪、北海道以及沖繩等日本著名觀光地的資訊。 提供包含景點、餐廳、購物、住宿以及各地的交通資訊。 追蹤好運日本行,發現日本小幸運♡

Monthly Visitors are 66487.2042787 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 131382st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 480893.730175 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 1728st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 189327.626087 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 3727st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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旅行|美食|烹飪 ✩ 歡迎來到我的旅遊誌,一同享受旅遊及品味美食! 聯絡信箱: borntoshop999@gmail.com

Monthly Visitors are 202862.03735 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 2669st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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規劃下一趟旅程、閱讀評論並參考我們社群提供的住宿地點和觀光活動相關旅遊建議。 尋找飯店優惠、預訂完美遊覽或景點,還可以向最佳餐廳訂位。

Monthly Visitors are 1117949.54034 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 529st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 1215693.36165 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 576st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism

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Monthly Visitors are 528230.250262 and Similarity percentage is 21.00.

Ranked 1522st globally in Travel and Tourism Travel and Tourism