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на сайте «по русскому» вы сможете найти диктанты и сочинения по русскому языку - материалы для учителей и учеников младших классов

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Ranked 12741st globally in Science and Education Education

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школьные диктанты по русскому языку для учеников 1-6 классов по четвертям, темам и правилам - 2022 год

Monthly Visitors are 270494.21 and Similarity percentage is 60.84.

Ranked 9289st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 66363.0571189 and Similarity percentage is 51.59.

Ranked 39023st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 992523.493396 and Similarity percentage is 50.69.

Ranked 2888st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 100927.311384 and Similarity percentage is 48.41.

Ranked 22046st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 77538.2299982 and Similarity percentage is 45.69.

Ranked 24872st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 63599.3441885 and Similarity percentage is 44.99.

Ranked 740st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 871767.724582 and Similarity percentage is 44.91.

Ranked 4727st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 5278820.45893 and Similarity percentage is 44.38.

Ranked 730st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 4691078.87753 and Similarity percentage is 44.31.

Ranked 1053st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 4509597.50316 and Similarity percentage is 44.13.

Ranked 941st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 4385217.84339 and Similarity percentage is 43.98.

Ranked 765st globally in Science and Education Education

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с помощью сервиса решатор! вы сможете задать вопрос и найти ответ на любой вопрос школьной программы. помогайте с уроками другим и получайте подарки от нас.

Monthly Visitors are 589409.054508 and Similarity percentage is 43.62.

Ranked 5634st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 37077399.7199 and Similarity percentage is 43.32.

Ranked 64st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 3038200.43027 and Similarity percentage is 43.25.

Ranked 1349st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 165869.210814 and Similarity percentage is 43.05.

Ranked 15014st globally in Science and Education Education

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мультиурок – образовательная площадка, на которой каждый учитель может бесплатно получить собственный сайт, делиться опытом, общаться и удобно следить за интересными публикациями своих коллег.

Monthly Visitors are 13858342.5326 and Similarity percentage is 42.89.

Ranked 318st globally in Science and Education Education

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добро пожаловать на наш сайт. вам нужно написать сочинение,подготовиться к егэ и огэ по русскому языку по части написания сочинения? с нами это легко!

Monthly Visitors are 49087.5981334 and Similarity percentage is 42.83.

Ranked 44938st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 18500473.5924 and Similarity percentage is 42.81.

Ranked 219st globally in Science and Education Education

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на портале продленка вы сможете пройти курсы повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки учителей, получить свидетельство о публикации, дипломы для педагогов и детей

Monthly Visitors are 1698988.05939 and Similarity percentage is 42.58.

Ranked 2147st globally in Science and Education Education

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путеводитель по русскому языку

Monthly Visitors are 15505.1685161 and Similarity percentage is 42.25.

Ranked 86145st globally in Science and Education Education