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老人ホーム選びのパートナー ベネッセの介護相談室


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Monthly Visitors are 156472.564341 and Similarity percentage is 37.07.

Ranked 19796st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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兵庫県立尼崎総合医療センターは「高度・良質な医療の提供による社会貢献」を基本理念とし、職員一同、皆様の健康を守るため、断らない医療(外来・入院・手術)&納得・安全医療をモットーに、日々努力を重ねています。【診療受付時間(初診・予約外)】月〜金 午前8時30分〜午前11時30分まで。【休診日】土日祝・年末年始(12/29〜1/3)

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Ranked 24648st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Ranked 34957st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 221429.53175 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 16024st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 122506.792043 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 41160st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 195818.939326 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 22884st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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骨とその周囲には、神経と血管が多くあります、骨折するとその部位に痛みや腫れ現れます。ひどい骨折の場合は、動かせなくなったり、外見が変形したりします。”骨折ネット”は、正しい治療法、療養中の過ごし方を啓発しています。医学監修:原宿リハビリテーション病院 名誉院長 林 泰史 先生

Monthly Visitors are 118666.081018 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 33248st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 154609.181433 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 38873st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 91741.9433996 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 35541st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 104974.65837 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 30944st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 1787097.3239 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 3481st globally in Health Health Conditions and Concerns

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Monthly Visitors are 79544.2537896 and Similarity percentage is 26.04.

Ranked 51549st globally in Health Health

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Monthly Visitors are 17547.6055386 and Similarity percentage is 24.11.

Ranked 208660st globally in Health Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

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Monthly Visitors are 54344.3451473 and Similarity percentage is 23.94.

Ranked 74854st globally in Health Nutrition Diets and Fitness

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Monthly Visitors are 154102.223466 and Similarity percentage is 23.81.

Ranked 20038st globally in Health Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

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Monthly Visitors are 94980.076695 and Similarity percentage is 23.79.

Ranked 66240st globally in Health Medicine

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横浜市中区の石川町駅と元町中華街駅周辺で内科、消化器内科ならunmed clinic motomachiへ来院ください。内科、消化器内科、生活習慣病、完全オンライン禁煙外来、渡航外来(トラベルクリニック)、不眠症外来、頭痛外来、点滴外来、健康診断(雇用時健康診断、企業健診)などを提供してまいります。

Monthly Visitors are 151128.896849 and Similarity percentage is 23.37.

Ranked 36819st globally in Health Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

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リハプランマガジンは、クラウド個別機能訓練ソフト『リハプラン』の株式会社rehab for japanが運営するメディアサイトです。理想的なデイサービス経営/運営に必要な「介護報酬制度・保険制度」「加算・減算の種類や算定要件」「経営/マネジメント」「評価/介助方法」の基礎知識や「個別機能訓練加算の成功事例」などを豊富にご紹介します。(page1)

Monthly Visitors are 205011.074739 and Similarity percentage is 22.80.

Ranked 12037st globally in Health Health

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Monthly Visitors are 172429.464482 and Similarity percentage is 22.23.

Ranked 25165st globally in Health Health