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колесо дхаммы. сайт учения будды в его исходном виде. пеpвоисточники, куpсы и учебные пособия по дpевнейшей тpадиции буддизма - тхеpавада. форум. сборник переводов палийских сутт.

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Websites similar to dhamma.ru - Top 9 dhamma.ru Alternatives and Competitors

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Ranked 331st globally in Community and Society Faith and Beliefs

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Monthly Visitors are 14054.837501964495 and Similarity percentage is 36.65.

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Monthly Visitors are 78749.09373615583 and Similarity percentage is 36.28.

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Monthly Visitors are 241648.6578642139 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 198980st globally in Community and Society Faith and Beliefs

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Monthly Visitors are 263520.7159208655 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 4651st globally in Community and Society Faith and Beliefs

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Monthly Visitors are 1064079.596553084 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

Ranked 5240st globally in Community and Society Faith and Beliefs

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Monthly Visitors are 315024.8593219258 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

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