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chung shan medical university

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Monthly Visitors are 3025026.5871 and Similarity percentage is 44.23.

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Monthly Visitors are 239556.880772 and Similarity percentage is 43.60.

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Monthly Visitors are 1347894.9689 and Similarity percentage is 38.68.

Ranked 489st globally in Science and Education Education

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Monthly Visitors are 280856.433653 and Similarity percentage is 38.58.

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Monthly Visitors are 301805.502055 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

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Monthly Visitors are 141794.87064 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

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元培之意元乃萬物之初,是一切根本開始的意思,不但說明本校是我國醫事技術學校的發端者,更要同學研究萬物與生命的根源及其奧秘神奇之處,追根究底,發現真理,然後才培養出優秀的醫技人才,發展科學,迎頭趕上歐美各國。 教育宗旨本校秉持創校人的教育理想,及發展醫學科技,培育人才的苦心,因此,40年之教育宗旨即培養醫學技術專業人才,強化醫療功能,健全醫務管理、增進全民健康,達成醫療現代化的目標。學校座落於新竹市,健康無邊界、優特i大學,醫事,科技大學

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Monthly Visitors are 165922.848707 and Similarity percentage is 35.00.

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